Newsletter - Term 1 & 2 Reflections
WPPS News - Video
Please watch the fantastic video created by Megan and J2 which shows some of the highlights at WPPS in Term 2.
Term 3 - Important Dates
24/7- First day of term
9/8- Half school assembly- M3, M10 & M12 presenting (Hall)
23/8- Casual Day (book week dress up)
28/8- Pupil Free Day
30/8- Half school assembly- M4, M5 and J2 presenting (Hall)
20/9- Whole school assembly- Specialists (Gym)
27/9- Casual Day
28/9- Sports Day
29/9- Last Day- 2.10pm finish
Enrolment Intentions 2024
We are in the process of identifying our staffing needs for 2024 and need an indication of our enrolment numbers for next year. Everyone who is enrolled and currently attending in R-5 is guaranteed an ongoing position for next year however, we do understand families move schools for various reasons. We will soon be offering enrolment places to those on our expression of interest list and we want to ensure we aren't over allocating year levels or offering a teaching position to potential contract teachers who may not have a class to teach due to unknown departures. We would appreciate it if you could take a couple of minutes to complete a quick survey on your enrolment intentions.
There is no need to complete this survey for your child if they are currently in year 6 as they will be enrolling at high school.
If you haven't already please complete the survey as soon as possible. Thank you for your time and support in this.
Anzac Day Dawn Service
Thank you must go to the Bosch family in representing Westbourne Park Primary at the Mitcham ANZAC Day Dawn Service.
Mountain Biking
On Thursday 11th May, year 5 and 6 students competed in the South Australian Primary Schools Association Moutain Bike competition. The gruelling 1.5km course tested riders' endurance and riding skills. Students rode around narrow dirt tracks at speed, over rocks and jumps before ending with a steep uphill climb to the finish line. Congratulations to our Westbourne Park riders who completed many laps during the 2 hour race amongst 500 other students across the state.
And just like that … Term 2 is coming to an end. And what a term it has been!
On the Fundraising front, we have held two very successful events – our first Wine Drive for the year, quickly followed by the “best night ever” WPPS Disco!
The “Wine Down For Winter” Wine Drive broke records with regards to sales and raised over $3,000 for the school. Thank you to all for supporting those who support us – The Lane Vineyard, Mitolo Wines, Ambleside Distillers and Kilikakanoon Wines. We hope you enjoy your wines and gins over the coming wintery weeks!
The WPPS Disco was a huge success last Friday night, with plenty of dancing, disco games and yummy treats. Over 400 students attended the two discos, which is an amazing turn out! Over $3,600 was raised which will go towards upgrading our School Hall – a fantastic result and we are very thankful for all the support.
Thank you again to DJ Steve, who was fabulous as always, our dedicated WPPS Staff who gave up their free time to supervise the event and demonstrate their dance moves, and to all the parents and caregivers that helped with all things disco related. A lot of effort is required to organise events like this and as usual, our school community stepped up!
Term 3 will see the WPPS Quiz Night taking place on Saturday 19th August, so pop it in the calendar and book the babysitter! Our theme this year is “A Night at the Movies” so now is the time to start thinking about those costumes and table decorations.
Tickets are currently available in Qkr! and are sold as a table of 10 for $250. If you need some help to make up a table of 10 people or have any queries about tickets please email the Fundraising
Committee. If you would like to attend but don’t want to organise a table, we are looking for 2-3 volunteers to mark quiz answers on the night – you will be rewarded for your efforts!
We will run an Online Auction in conjunction with the Quiz Night itself again this year, as it gives all of our school community the opportunity to bid on some fantastic auction items. For those attending the Quiz Night, there will be the usual fun games and activities, plus access to some exciting bonus “Quiz Night Only” auction items on the night itself!
We are currently seeking donations of items to be used for our Online Auction that will conclude on the Quiz Night. We have already received some very generous donations and are excited to share a sneak peak of these a bit closer to the event!
POSSIBLE DONATIONS INCLUDE: Vouchers for professional services; bottles of wine; weekend stay at a holiday house; gift vouchers for retail goods; family activities, i.e. bowling, mini golf; gift hampers; sporting equipment; homewares and plants; autographed memorabilia; experiences, i.e. motorsport hot laps; jewellery; gym memberships; etc.
If you can help out in any way, or have any questions, please contact All donated item/s can be dropped off to the Front Office. All donations will be acknowledged in the lead up to the Quiz Night, plus at the event itself.
As always, thank you for your continued support and generosity. We wouldn’t be able to hold the events and activities we do without your help and it really is what makes WPPS such a great school community to be a part of!
Dates to Remember …
Saturday 5th August – Online Auction opens for bidding – website details will be provided
Saturday 19th August – 6:30pm – Quiz Night
Saturday 19th August – 9:00pm – Online Auction closes
Please feel free to contact the WPPS Fundraising Committee at And don’t forget to join the WPPS Community Facebook Group to stay up to date with school events. This page is run by parents, for parents!
Many thanks,
The WPPS Fundraising Committee
Arbury Park
Arbury Camp J1 and J3
What an amazing camp. You all should be proud of the outstanding behaviour of these students. The Arbury camp coordinator and cook complimented Westbourne Park students on their beautiful manners and enthusiasm to try different activities which were outside their comfort zone.
I would like to thank our wonderful volunteer parents, Rachel Hodgson, Hamish Palmer and George Papathanasiou for giving up their time to help at camp. Your help, support and your contribution were much appreciated.
I have seen J1 and J3 students engage in new experiences and take on challenges, build up their resilience and work together as a team. It is a great opportunity to work with students outside the traditional classroom setting
Josie Brown
Feedback from students:
I loved fashion show because everyone had an amazing time and helped out and had a great time. Then we got to walk across a stage and have an extraordinary time. After that you get photos of yourself doing a funny pose while getting laughed at.
I love that they let us go around by ourselves and the food was delicious. But my favourite part was playing web of life. I also loved the fashion show I think my teammates had fun. The movies were really good but it was really cold on the ground. I did maps, we went through the whole entire camp and had to find hole punches inside metal poles. The shelter building was also very cool we got sprayed with a hose so we had to make a shelter that’s waterproof. Trent Hill came he was a First Nation man and told us about different things that were really important to the First Nation people.
By Evelyn
The web of life was an intense, fun, strategic, challenging and hard game which I absolutely loved.
It was by far the best part even though it was a tough decision I had fun being chased and looking for food and water.
By Noah
One of my favourite things was fresh water life because it was fun to use the big nets to catch all sorts of things in precious pond. I caught a tiny little yabby and some other things. Someone in my activity group caught a huge yabby, another person in my group caught three tadpoles and a lot of people caught the top predator. When our time was up to catch the creatures, we took all the little creatures into this room called the microscope room. In the microscope room was around fourteen microscopes and one that was hooked up to the tv. There were also from my estimation six tubs full of creatures.
Arbury Park Camp - J1 & J3
Community News