Newsletter - Term 4 Reflections
Important Dates
Term 1 - 2024
29 January – First day of term 1
13 February - Acquaintance Night
13 February – Annual General Meeting / Governing Council Meeting
6 March – School Photo Day
11 March – Adelaide Cup Public Holiday
12 March – Pupil Free Day for Parent Teacher Interviews during day and early evening
25-27 March – Year 5/6 Camp to Mylor
29 March – Good Friday Public holiday
1 April – Easter Monday Public Holiday
12 April – Last day of term 1, 2:10pm dismissal
Term 2 - 2024
29 April – First day of term 2
13-15 May – Year 4 Camp to Woodhouse
7 June – Pupil Free Day for staff curriculum professional development
10 June – King’s Birthday Public Holiday
5 July - Last day of term 2, 2:10pm dismissal
6 July – A day in history - 110 year anniversary of the first day for students at WPPS 06/07/1914
Term 3 - 2024
22 July – First day of term 3
23 August - Pupil Free Day for staff curriculum professional development
28 August – A day in history - school officially opened on 28/08/1914
26 September – Sports Day* (confirmation of this date will be made early in 2024)
27 September – Last day of term 3, 2:10 dismissal
Term 4 - 2024
14 October – First day of term 4
8 November – Remembrance Day Ceremony
11 November – School Closure Day (for significance of Remembrance Day to our
12 November – Pupil Free Day for yearly review, classes and 2025 planning
13 December – Last day of term 4, 2:10 dismissal
*Dates to be confirmed in November/December for School concert, EOY assemblies
and year 6 graduation.
Congratulations Year 6 Graduates!
Student Leaders 2024
Responsible for the running of the Student Council and assisting their fellow school leaders.
Congratulations to Abi, Seb, Yunxi and Hannah
Responsible for assistance in hosting school assemblies, school tours and representing the whole school in various other roles.
Congratulations to Viraj, Poppy, Zara and Senouk on being elected School Leaders for 2024.
Winner - Excellence in Learner Agency 2023
Congratulations to the upper primary team and students on winning the Public Education Award for Excellence in Learner Agency. A pictorial collage of screenshots from the finalist video that was shown at the Awards Ceremony surrounding the presentation of the award by The Honourable Blair Boyer, Minister for Education, Skills and Training.
End of Year Concert
On Thursday, the 30th of November, Westbourne Park students welcomed back a live end of year concert! This year the theme was 'All Around The World.' In this show, the Carlisle family went on a big holiday all around the world All students had a blast showing odd their dance moves and watching fellow classes perform their awesome dances. We would like to say a big thank you Charlotte and Hannah for coordinating, organising and making the whole night possible. All the acts were fantastic, however the staff synchronized swimming team may need to go back to the pool to practice!
Tait Ludvigsen & Patrick Mallon
From the view of the compare: The show was slightly nerve racking and very entertaining and we got to see all the creative well choreographed dances from all the classes! On stage it was spectacular and so fun to be involved in this year!
Sebastian Waniarcha
The concert was so much fun, but it was also nerve racking because I was so scared I was going to mess it up, but it was also so much fun dancing with my class on stage. I really enjoyed watching the classes dances and the teachers dance was hilarious. I loved the night so much and I can't wait for next year!
Abbie Molineux
Remembrance Assembly
What an amazing bunch of students there is in J3. Well-done for an excellent Remembrance Assembly. Students stepped out of their comfort zone and took an opportunity to grow new skills.
All our guest were impressed by the students clear speaking and show of respect of the occasion.
Our guest included the Federal Member for Boothby, Ms Louise Miller-Frost and the State member for Elder, Ms Nadia Clancy. Once again, the school is greatful for the assistance from the 10/27th Battalion with musician Michael Bampton and our guest speaker Sergeant Mathew Kell.
During week 4, J3 raised money for the Return Services League (R.S.L) from the selling of Poppies and stickers.
Principal Jason Munro, Federal Member for Boothby, Ms Louise Miller-Frost, musician Michael Bampton, guest speaker Sergeant Mathew Kell, and State member for Elder, Ms Nadia Clancy.
J3 The Brownie Bunch
Paediatric Rehabilitation Department - WCH A Collaborative Christmas Project
M3, J3 and UC1/2 students and teachers donated their precious time and creativity this term in helping The Women's and Children's Hospital Paediatric Rehabilitation Department with a Christmas display for a hospital competition. The Christmas display will bring joy and excitement to patients and their families visiting the Paediatric Rehabilitation Department. The Paediatric Rehabilitation Department works very closely with schools to provide advice and support for children returning to school following a traumatic or lifechanging event. Returning to school is often a major and important goal for patients participating in an intensive rehabilitation program.
The Paediatric Rehabilitation Department would like to thank Westbourne Park Primary School with supporting them with this project and wish everyone a very merry Christmas and a safe, healthy, and well deserved break.
The Mark Wahlqvist Awards
This year the Mark Wahlqvist Awards gave students a chance to be creative and innovative with the book theme of the year, Read, Grow, Inspire.
26 students shared their growth and inspiration from a favourite book with drawings, paintings, a short story, dioramas, and a movie.
The effort the students put into their entries made it very hard for the judges to choose winners.
Noah N was the Year 1 winner with his aquatic life diorama made from recycled materials.
Leo K was the Year 2 winner with his origami sculptures.
Year 3 had two winners, April with her cardboard book displaying all her areas of growth and inspiration. The other winners were Eleanor and Asher with their detailed diorama from” The Bad Guys”.
Evelyn was the year 4 winner with an i-move/stop motion movie made with Lego blocks and clay.
The year 5 winner was Sophie with her written and illustrated book called “The impact of the Blow”.
The overall winners were two Year 6 students: Ayodhya with a detailed poster from her favourite book and Kezia with her painting of Mr. Ashton the cat.
Well done to everyone who entered this year, all your work had been admired by students, teachers and parents of the school.
It was great to see such a variety of art this year. Hope everyone had fun in creating their entries!
Scholastic Book Clubs
Thank you from the WPPS Fundraising Committee
And just like that, the 2023 school year is done!
Term 4 is always a hectic one, and it was especially so this year with regards to fundraising events - so we sincerely thank you all for your support during this busy time of year!
As winners of the Colour Run, M4 enjoyed a class pizza lunch and yummy fairy floss PLUS got to cover Jason in silly string! Coming in second, M11 also got a pizza lunch with fairy floss, and third place M6 getting fairy floss. Thank you again to everyone for supporting this fundraising event, it was a huge success and raised over $13,000 which will go towards further upgrades to our outdoor learning space.
Our second Wine Drive for the year proved extremely popular in the lead up to the silly season, raising over $1,650 that will also go towards our school’s outdoor learning spaces. It was a great selection of wine, beer and gin that we are sure will be enjoyed by many over the coming weeks!
Throughout 2023, the Fundraising Committee has been raising funds for some major school projects, such as upgrades to the School Hall and our outdoor learning spaces. At the same time, we have also been able to purchase the following resources for use by our students and staff:
- Free Play Toys
- Numeracy Resources for Upper Primary
- Literacy Resources for Lower Primary
- Guillotine and Laminators
- Basketball Backboards
- Sports Banners
- Outdoor Marquee
- Future Spending Proposals – Recycling Bins, Golf Umbrellas, Yard A Drink Fountains, Netball Rings, Resources for new Library
Our overall fundraising goal for 2023 was $27,000 and we are so pleased to announce that we have raised more than $36,000. This is an incredible achievement, and we would like to thank you all for your generosity and continued support of the fundraising events that took place at WPPS throughout the year. All the money raised goes back into our school, benefiting our children and our children’s teachers, leadership team and support staff. So again, THANK YOU!
Take care over the school break everyone, and we look forward to seeing you all next year!
The WPPS Fundraising Committee
WWPS Casual Day Donations
Our Casual Day donations supported the Cancer Council SA, Hutt St Centre and the Australian Childhood Foundation. Thank you for your valuable contributions.
Christmas Pageant Floats
Year 3/4 students in J1 embarked on a STEM Project to create a Christmas Pageant Float. From their initial sketches and notes, through countless iterations, each student contributed unique designs and themes showcasing their innovation and creativity. M11 and a number of J1 parents enjoyed viewing the final products and were amazed by the diversity of ideas!
We have 3 staff who have been a major part of Westbourne Park Primary School for a long period of time, who have decided to retire to enjoy the next chapter of their lives. Each has contributed significantly to the students, staff and community in the many years at Westbourne Park. I acknowledge the enormous contribution each has made and wish them all the best in the years ahead. Congratulations and a huge thank you to Simone Gawel, Jenn Symonds and Barb Breavington.
Jenn has a long and decorated teaching career and has taught many students at WPPS and other schools. Jenn has made a positive impact on their schooling and their lives as well as those she has worked alongside.
Barb started in 2006 and has worked in the resource centre, administration, finance, WHS and student services. Her knowledge and processes will be hard to replace but the connections she has made at Westbourne Park will continue.
Simone has been part of the staff since 2010 and has supported students in classes and individually, helping them to engage in their learning and providing important life skills. Simone’s work in this area has been of the highest quality and I know the students will miss her influence around the school as will the staff.
To Jenn, Barb and Simone I sincerely wish all the best in your retirement and future ventures, you will be missed by the Westbourne Park Primary School community, but your legacy and legend will live on at the school.
A note from Jenn Symonds
Dear WPPS families,
I am writing to share with you the news that I am retiring from my teaching career this year after serving children in the public sector of education for 41 years.
Over this span of time, I have taught in 8 schools on the Eyre Peninsula and 10 Adelaide metropolitan schools.
I began teaching dance and drama in several schools for hearing impaired students and then moved on to teaching Junior Primary aged children.
I have had the privilege of working with many wonderful children, their families and staff at WPPS over a period of 25 years.
I was initially appointed to WPPS in 1989 and completed my 10 year tenure in 1999.
I then took time off to parent my child until he began school, also at WPPS.
I returned to work at 3 different southern area schools over the next 3 years.
In 2008 I was VERY fortunate to be offered a job back at WPPS.
I worked in a tandem teaching arrangement with Jenny Holliday for 13 years which was a lot of fun. We had Ying /Yang, chalk and cheese personalities which worked extremely well in making a colourful and most enjoyable partnership.
Jenny and I, along with Linley Griffin and Kelley Watson, initiated the development of ‘The Pod’ influenced by the environment of Reggio Emilia schools. Setting up the spaces was immense fun and we felt extremely happy with the impact that the environment had on our young learners.
After Jenny retired, I was fortunate enough to tandem teach with Athina Vlahos.
This was also a very satisfying partnership, where we worked harmoniously together thoroughly enjoying the children and families in our care.
Over the past 3 years I have held the title of Literacy Support teacher for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children. I have particularly enjoyed the role, working mainly with small groups of children.
I have seen many physical changes within the school, including the filling in of 2 pools, the removal of a large outdoor wooden stage used for assemblies and concerts in Yard B, the felling of many enormous gum trees and the forever changing building structures, required to accomodate the ever evolving needs of the school and the curriculum.
Despite these changes and many more, the heart and warmth of the school has always remained solidly supported by its beautiful community members including the staff, students and their families.
It is now time for me to move on to new ventures, possibly working with children and adults with special needs on the Southern Fleurieu Peninsula, where I live.
I would sincerely like to thank the WPPS community for their kindness and support over these years. You will always have a special place in my heart.💗
It is with mixed feelings that I move on, yet I have many many fond memories of teaching and working with amazing children in partnership with their families.
A HUGE hug to you all and endless thanks.
I wish you abundant happiness and health in the coming years.
Warmest regards
Jenn Symonds x💕
Autism Inclusion Teacher Role – 2023
2023 marked the appointing of an Autism Inclusion Teacher (AIT) in every South Australian primary and special school.
In term 1 (and most of 2023) there was a focus on capacity building with a total of three professional training days for the role, ongoing studies and networking. The term involved establishing the role and responsibilities. Information was disseminated to teachers about a way of universally designing for student diversity using the Positive Partnerships diversity wheel.
During term 2, parents and teachers were very helpful as site data was gathered via surveys and the results were analysed in order to establish the footprint of autism / neurodiversity within the school. This successfully led to the development of a teaching resource addressing neurodiversity and linked to The Department for Education’s indicators of quality including: ‘Designing and Differentiating for Learning’ as well as ‘Creating Conditions for Optimal Learning’. Teachers were encouraged to engage with the resource in their daily practice. Staff were also surveyed on what training they desired and some professional learning was delivered on social and communication skills and autism.
In term 3, the AIT received training on managing classroom / school environmental factors for anxiety and autism. This information was disseminated to all staff. Importantly, student voice surveys were also conducted that addressed their strengths, needs and interests. This helpful data was collated and analysed.
The student survey informed a small action research study in term 4 which was conducted in response to student comments made about sensitivity to classroom noise. Results showed that students felt more positive and regulated in break out spaces.
Throughout the year within the AIT role, I worked with teachers, SSOs and parents to help develop One Plans that established SMARTA goals to address student individual differentiation; I also assisted leadership in funding applications.
In addition to this work, the school has established an interoception room for assisting students with self-regulation.
I am very excited to be continuing in the autism inclusion teacher role in 2024 and look forward to working with the new leadership, parents, teachers, and students in order to continue encouraging neuro-affirming practices within Westbourne Park Primary School.
Tim Thornton
Autism Inclusion Teacher
I wish to thank all the families who have supported the canteen throughout 2023. It has been an amazingly busy year and I have thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to try new items on the menu.
Thank you also for your support of the various special days held throughout the year; Harmony Day Cupcakes, Showdown Cupcakes & Donuts and most recently Gelato Day.
As we move into 2024 the canteen menu will continue to focus on food items freshly prepared on-site.
Thank you also to the Year 6 students who have volunteered in the canteen assisting with recess and lunch service during the year. It has been a pleasure to have their company and having known most of them for the past 7 years I will certainly miss them and their banter. I wish them every success as they move to High School.
As I farewell the Year 6 students I also farewell some of their parents who have been involved with the canteen, and school, for many years. Thank you for your support and friendship.
I certainly could not have made it through this year without an amazing group of volunteers who have worked alongside me to keep the canteen running during 2023. Your assistance and friendship has been invaluable. If anyone is interested in volunteering in 2024 please contact the school to check the volunteer requirements.
Our search for a canteen assistant continues, details of the position can be obtained from the school.
I hope the children enjoy their gelato treat to wrap up the school year and I wish everyone a happy & safe festive season.
Fresh Bites Canteen Manager
Community News
Interested in playing football? Want to join a club with a great family atmosphere?Come and join us at CLG Lions. Teams for boys and girls!
Register your interest now.